Las Colonias

Las Colonias

Tuesday 12 March 2019

March Update

March, 2019
Greetings and warm breezes to you!
I just asked Larry what he would like to include in an update to you.  We are becoming so accustomed to how things are, that things we found newsworthy previously - when we felt we were flying by the seat of our pants - are now normal. We think we have told you everything that would be interesting. There are times that we forget to notice what God is doing in all of the stuff of the day. So the preparation leading up to writing this update has required much thinking. And, we procrastinate…..

January and early February was a whirl of school preparations. We have fewer students sponsored and enrolled in the private school. Registration and shopping was, as always, entertaining. All five of these students have become independent and confident and rarely need day-to-day assistance as previously. This year, two more of our students will be graduating from high school. Another ministry provided uniforms for the church children, so we were able to focus on public school families with needs that are missed by other ministries. Lots of times we were in a place where we knew we were the ones to help.

Saul set for picking up students
In our December update, we mentioned a few projects in the waiting stage. Thank you for your prayers. One of these had to do with a new bus to provide transportation for school students, and to provide outside work for the assistant pastor at Son Rise church. Saul was able to get the new bus (van) in time for school start-up. He provides for the students we assist in both the private and public schools, as well as several other students, making three return-trips into town a day as he provides for 42 students. From the start, Saul was anxious to have reliable transportation to safely transport people to church at night. As well as his school-day runs, he provides transportation for the church needs. When you wonder what Larry is doing, he is doing what he likes best – finding deals!

Larry has also accompanied a friend around the island looking for affordable property for his car rental and tour business. The best part of this is that all Larry needs to contribute is time and sage advice.  The price is right! At this time, an affordable, flat property has not been found. Sounds like more adventures, Larry!

We continue to entertain our small group of students who come for lessons three days a week. This is a new group, as our other kids don’t need us anymore (sigh….). The group is mostly boys. Oooooo la la!! Happily, progress is being made amid the hubbub and as long as they get 20 minutes to play on the computers, there are no revolts. Our only girl, Yisel, grade 4, doesn’t like computer games. But she will ask Larry to play games. The other day, Larry was busy. She wasn’t nearly as enthusiastic when she had me as her UNO opponent!
Yisel enjoys playing games with Larry

                ✨  Where have we seen God in our work recently? Well, lots of places, but we want to share one special blessing. A few weeks ago, Pastor Ivan at Son Rise church, with his wife, another missionary, and I went to visit Bessy and Marvin and their three young children. Our purpose was to provide help in the house, as well as prayer for this young family. Bessy had had an ultrasound the previous week, at the third month of her pregnancy. The doctor had identified an irregularity and had requested a follow-up ultrasound in a month. The doctor had suggested that Bessy and the baby could be at risk and tough decisions might result from the next ultrasound. A regimen of bed rest and prayer was in order. With three young children and a husband who isn’t a house husband, the bed rest was soon abandoned. However, much prayer continued during the waiting month. When talking with Bessy, I reminded her that God had her little one in His hands and to put her trust in her Heavenly Father. Last week, Bessy returned for a follow-up ultrasound. Praise God – Bessy and her little boy are both healthy! Bessy shared her testimony Saturday at church recalling that God was keeping them in His hands and she was trusting this.  Pastor Ivan has a special prayer for this family – that Marvin finds permanent work to support his growing family.

A visit with Bessy, Marvin and kids

The McFaddens meet with Jimena,
Sandra and brother Steven
It is always such an encouragement when we have visitors. In mid-February, the McFadden family – Chris, Rob, with their sons Tyler and Josh – visited for a day. As well as an excellent island tour (thanks Elias!), we hiked up to visit with Sandra and Jimena and family. The McFadden’s home church, Dresden Community Church assisted with provision for Jimena during her time in the hospital in Tegucigalpa. Sandra was happy to express her thanks in person.  We also felt God provided a special gift for us when we met a couple visiting from BC. Kersten and Darcy’s enthusiasm about everything was contagious. They travelled with us into the Colonia -twice - and encouraged us to join them as they were out and about.

Our time here will be wrapping up with our return to life on the farm in early April. We have felt supported by your prayers and want to encourage you – don’t stop now!  Specifically we ask for prayer for:
o   Bessy and Marvin – for continued health for Bessy and her little one, and for work for Marvin
o   the pastors at Son Rise church as they serve
o   For us! as we share and serve in our last month for this season
Thank you to those of you who send us notes to keep us updated with news from home and to those who keep things going for us while we’re away.  We REALLY enjoy hearing from you! In a few weeks, as we wrap things up, a picture blog will be posted with pictures from our last month and a half.                                     (see:                                           Love to you all!  ~ Larry and Susan

A little out-and-about with Kersten and Darcy

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