Las Colonias

Las Colonias

Thursday 6 May 2021

🌷 2021 Spring Update

Hello! Greetings! What’s new? Has anyone asked you that lately? For lots of us, it has been a lot of same-old-same old. Still another 3 weeks (or more?) of our stay-at-home time. And even after - more time apart from family and friends – apart by at least 2 meters. It is hard to see much new. But it IS spring – and all around we see and hear and feel newness – new growth in our gardens and the trees; birds that chirp their welcomes to the new day; the sun that shines earlier in the morning and lasts into the evening bringing energizing warmth and light. The celebration of Easter reminds us of a glorious new with the resurrection of Jesus. We are reminded of the new hope – the confident assurance – that we aren’t stuck with the same-old-same-old hardened, self-focused heart. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” (2Corinthians 5:17). The new has come! Here on the farm the new farming year is beginning with preparation of soil for the crops. Larry has machinery greased and revved to go. For me, it is a time with rake, and shovel, transforming those waiting flower beds. Winter projects are being hustled to completion. We are occupied with spring work as we await the lift of restrictions so we can make our flight to Roatan. If I asked some friends from Roatan, "what's new?" I would get some encouraging responses. Of 6 families that we assist because there has been no work, 3 have had the husband/father called back to work. Another husband gets occasional day-to-day work. One man was let go from work and then called back within a week. In another family, the wife has two days of work. This is such positive news! In February, we shared a love story. It was the story of the perseverance required for Greicy and Nahun to meet all the requirements to be married. Here’s the picture!
On February 26, Greicy and Nahun met in the new Coxen Hole Municipal Office and were married. Nahun had work for a few days before the wedding, so they were able to host a few friends and family (sadly, not us….) at a small reception at Cruz’ house. (Greicy’s mom.) We couldn’t be prouder! The story continues …… Greicy has shared that she knows that because she has aligned her life with God’s will, that He has blessed her and Nahun. Nahun has had at least two days of work per week, and recently was hired back to his former job in construction full time. A week ago, Greicy was called for an interview at the Clinic and was hired to begin the next day! This family is seeing so many changes in a few short months.
Many people ask us about the students and covid. The school year continues with most students working from their homes using their phones to connect with school. From what we hear, ALL of the students are doing very well and are happy. Would this be because they have finished their first term exams and have not yet received the results? Two of the schools we are involved with have students coming into the school two to three days a week then receiving assignments to be completed at home on alternate days. It will be a long time before people receive vaccines in Honduras. Although many children and their parents have had very mild covid-like symptoms, parents are fearful to allow their children to return to school, so we think the year will continue this way.
The newest news – and something that delights us! – is that Arezzi and Victor are now property owners. In Honduras, frequently people rent land from a “land”lord and own the house they build on it. This was the case with this family. Three months ago, the landlord told this family that she was going to sell their lot. Arezzi and Victor were offered the first chance to buy it – or they would be evicted. You would not believe the price that was being asked for this 40’ x 50’ lot!The document was signed and money exchanged this week. If you asked Arezzi and Victor “what’s new?” their answer would include beaming faces as well as many “Gloria a Dios”s, and “Gracias, muchas gracias!”
How can you pray for the people God has placed in our path and for us? 1. For continued opportunity for work, especially as Roatan enters their third wave of Covid. 2. That prices for materials and food are within the ability of people to pay. 3. That we use this time of waiting in service where we are – bloom where we’re planted. We hope that you too, are waiting well. Send us a note or call and tell us what’s new for you. ~ Blessings, Larry and Susan

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