Las Colonias

Las Colonias

Friday 12 April 2024

✨ Encouraged. Excited. And Content.

April 2024

Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. ~ Psalms 37:3-4

Encouraged. Excited. And - content.  That’s how we’re feeling coming home from our recent trip to Roatan, Honduras. We stayed 11 weeks, which was the longest stretch we have had for many years. As we explained to friends when it came time to leave, Larry had to go home to prepare for the upcoming planting season. And we needed to be home for the family March/April birthday celebration. As we reflect on our time in Roatan, we also have much to celebrate as a result of this season in Roatan.

We are encouraged to see there is more work on the island. Since 2020, we have felt so much discouragement from people who had no work. While we knew it was important to provide for the people God put in our path at that time, that time has passed for 4 of the 6 families we have watched over. This is not to say that everyone is thriving, but for the first time in four years there is hope.

We have also been so encouraged as we watch our older, and now graduated students, making good life choices. Choices! Over the years we have watched people passively let life happen to them because they don’t have the confidence to make a change. However, these young adults are taking charge and making things happen in their lives. This is the power of a good education that encourages the student to think! Watching this encourages us to keep on supporting children in education.

LONG ago, Bill Lewis with Into All the World spoke at our church. He encouraged people not to look at retirement as a time to coast but to “finish well”. We hope that this is what we have been doing. God allowed us to use our life skills in Roatan and we have been excited with each trip. We keep thinking that maybe it’s time to say a final adios to friends in Roatan. But we continue to be excited still. And while all the details are never clear, we get just enough of a peak that we are excited for what’s next.

For us next? The director at Sandy Bay Adventist Bilingual School has invited us to assist in various ways.  Larry continues to explore options for making it possible to expand the property for a playground/sports court and more classrooms, and I have opportunities to support the dedicated teaching staff. We know that other opportunities will come along.

At the school

We have been content. We have been so comfortable in our little condo. It is perfectly situated for what we do. Since we have no car, we get around with shoe-power. It is 2.6 km to the school and back, 4.0 km to visit Cruz and Greicy, and 4.2 km to our favourite beach restaurant (but only half that far if you take the bus one way.) That little heart app on my phone records my steps and the distance walked each day. Larry’s walk to the grocery store is 2 km. Other conveniences: there is a laundry attached to our building and for a small price we can drop off our basket of unmentionables in the morning and pick everything up in the late afternoon. We have a pool just a few steps down the hall and even a pool guy! There is a nearby grocery store and veggie stand. (As an observation - we thought prices for food were high at the grocery stores there until we did our first shopping this past week in Blenheim. Whoo-ee!  Food is expensive everywhere.) We have met new friends and our previous relationships have deepened. It has been good. We are content knowing we have done what we can do – we’ve shared our light.

We want to thank all those who keep things going here while we’re away. Thank you to those who provide so we can share with those who need. Thank you to our girls and families. It was great to be picked up from our airport shuttle, and whizzed home to a clean house and a birthday lunch. We thank God for providing for us while away - safety, opportunities, and special gifts to help us know He is there with us.

Many blessings to you all!  Love, Larry and Susan   

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