Las Colonias

Las Colonias

Thursday 20 September 2018

Sept. 2018 - The Wrap Up

A ride home from church.
They aren't going our way so we have to walk!
(We live up the hill along the road to the right of the yellow building.)

The beans and corn in the fields in Chatham-Kent have called us back for harvest, so we have returned from our "field" in Roatan wrapping up another season in the sun. The final half of our five-week stay continued with more teaching, more visiting, more hammering, and more encouraging. The following pictures show some of the highlights of a very satisfying time. 

Baby Visits - 2 new little ones

Cinthia and Rosel and Their Three Sons.
Baby Ethan born in July.

Kenia and Alberto (at work)
welcomed baby Keysi on August 31.
Big sister Keydi adores her little sister.

Other Visits

Greeting me on the door at Loli's -
*The Favour of God is With Me*

There is no one more welcoming
than Loli.
Loli's grand daughters preparing
for afternoon school.

It's always best to visit with this extended family when it is
not rainy. Javie (on left) will be starting English class
when we return. He will have a long walk but is excited!

My last visit for this time - with Sandra and family.
Sandra was wearing a special dress -
I knew she wanted her photo taken.

Jimena spent our visit brushing her hair.
She is so proud that it has grown back following
her treatments.

School Visits. 
Checking in on the progress of some of the kids.
The classrooms are bright and welcoming as are the teachers.

Beach Visit - 😊
Sometimes we get a special gift.
We can use the pool at this resort when we want - gratis.

Thanks, God.


The hammering on our house is finished again.
We have a roof over our perch.
I don't think that the tie-on rope was tied on.

The hammering and jacking up of the kitchen, at the church
is finished for now.  Ivan, Saul, and Larry share
strategies for making it happen and what to do next.


Class time - homework, Rosetta Stone/computer, and English lessons.

We were so proud of Jessie as she stepped up
to teach the Youth group on a Friday night
- with only a few minutes to prepare.

I had an opportunity to teach the Youth group on the last Friday.
Thanks Joshua for translating for me.

From the church

Bienvenidos to church.

Piñata Whacking!
Children's Day

Also very proud of Joshua for his willingness
to serve at church.  He takes responsibility for the
audio/visual needs at 4 services a week.
He is also becoming competent on the drums -
not yet in public.

Odds and Sods

This building! We have watched for a few years as craftsmen
sculpted the pillars and painted all with an underwater theme.
Just look at the roof! You won't find another like it.

The kids - with a trophy from our dog, Hunter.
Hunter frequently presents us dead lizards.

A view from the beach - dolphin training.

Hummingbird couple in the tree beside our dining deck.

An example of finding a way to meet your need -
homemade dumb-bells for weight lifting.
The weights are made out of cement.
(see next picture for weight lifting in the extreme)

Hot, hot work. Cement hoisted up bucket by bucket
in 40+ degree temperatures. Want a job?

Wrap Up

Bye, Hunter!

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