Las Colonias

Las Colonias

Saturday 28 July 2018

July 2018 Update

July, 2018
It’s only two more weeks!  Two more weeks! And then we’ll be back in Roatan. We have had lots of practice getting ready for the tropical heat with that July heat-wave here in Southwestern Ontario so - other than packing – we’re ready!

We have been here, down-on-the-farm, for four months now. It has been great too, with lots of people-connecting time. There have been a few projects needing attention in our house and Larry has been able to get ahead of machinery repairs and general maintenance - things that don’t get done when we are only here for short times. With his brother Paul, Larry harvested the wheat and it yielded well. Yes, oh yes! We have had lots of time to enjoy our grandchildren and our kids. It has been great. But, we are also finding our minds and hearts are also frequently focused 3000 km southward.

Social media is a great way to connect. We are able to keep in touch with our school kids to encourage them, tell them what we are doing and exchange pictures of our activities. Jessie was explaining about the research and preparations of their presentation for Lempira Day. Lempira Day is a day that celebrates the national historic hero, Mr. Lempira. (The Honduran currency is the Lempira. As far as I know, Mr. Lempira did not have a lot of money but they named the money for him anyway.) Jessie also sent pictures of their booth and a picture someone snapped of her serving food. I’m sure it would be good food as she is such a good cook!  I wish I could have been there to see all the kids doing their cultural thing.

We have frequent video calls with Pastor Ivan from Son Rise church.  He calls us with news or with a how-to question for Larry. But, his calls always leave us wanting to know more and to see more, and just to be there. With his last call, he happened to mention that during August, the municipality of Roatan will be waiving the fee for civil marriages. (In order to be recognized as legally married, couples need to have a civil marriage.) He has suggested there are a few couples who might take advantage of this opportunity.  Of course, these couples will need to gather their personal documents – not easy to do, or easy on the pocketbook for some people. Following the civil marriages, Ivan hopes to have a celebration and church marriage for these couples. We would like to help with this.

I have saved the very best news until last. Shortly after returning to Canada, we received a message from Sandra about Jimena. Sandra wrote:  “God has done something marvelous in Jimena’s life. God heard all the prayers.  Jimena is healed completely. We thank God for with him there is nothing impossible.”  Woohoo!!!  Praise God!  Throughout the year-and-a-half treatment for cancer, Sandra always told me that Jimena’s treatment was in God’s hands.  Sandra’s faith inspired us. So now we are excited to return to celebrate God’s goodness with this family! Sandra has also asked me to thank those who have supported her family with prayers and donations to cover hospital and transportation needs.  She says she will “thank you until death”. I think that means forever. Sometimes translation gets a bit tricky.

We have asked you to pray for the dad of a few of our kids. He has continued to crash and in doing so has caused much trouble for the family. He is currently in jail but this may end soon. Please pray for this man. He has made many professions of faith but then is pulled back into the pit. Please pray for safety for his family. It gets pretty ugly sometimes.

We also ask for your prayers for a woman we have known for several years.  Deizy has had many complications following her surgery and has returned/needs to return (?) again to the hospital on the Mainland for more. She is very discouraged. 

As we return, we ask for your prayers for us also. While it is only a short stay this time as Larry needs to return for bean harvest in September, we hope to make many connections.  Please pray that our interactions are God-directed.

Now I know a number of you are thinking “How great it would be to be jetting off like the Campbells.”  You think that especially as you wait in yet another construction zone. But apparently there are construction zone woes along the road in Roatan too! While usually it is a tree trunk or stump instead of the orange cone – we too, will find ourselves waiting. Happy Construction Zone season.  We’ll be back before it ends!               

Blessings!   Larry and Susan

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