Las Colonias

Las Colonias

Monday 8 October 2018

Back from Roatan - September Newsletter

September, 2018

Hello all!                                                  
In the last update, I was predicting we would be home before the road construction season ended.  And….. sure enough!  Late last Saturday night as we were whisked along the 401 on our way to our bed, the Robert Q had to detour due to a Saturday night road closure.  We sure felt welcomed home!

The time we spent in Roatan was H-O-T! We thought we were prepared from the heat we’d experienced in Chatham-Kent this summer but as soon as we stepped off the plane we were hit by the sauna-like heat and humidity. On a positive note, sweat is such a natural skin conditioner! Most afternoons were uncomfortable and while we could have turned on Mr. AC, the price of power makes it prohibitive to run, and, if you are inside in the AC you begin to find excuses to not go out.  Since our purpose for being in Roatan is to go out, air conditioning provides a temptation to put off what we are called to do.


This makes me think about comfort. In my study recently, the author cautioned that “comfort is an idol”. Mentally, I started listing some of the comforts we enjoy (since we’re not enjoying AC.)  The list was long! Somehow, I had started to think we deserve to be physically comfortable. Maybe you think this too? Surely I have earned the right to be comfortable. After all, I am a retired person! But, try as I might, I can’t find any scripture supporting this. When comfort is mentioned it refers to spiritual comfort and it is a gift from our loving Father.  Scripture says that we have a purpose beyond pursuing comfort. Really?! Tearing down the idol of comfort is what I need to work on.  I need to get out of the comfort of what I know, and what I have, and what I feel, and put on my sun hat and GO! even when it means that the sweat runs in rivulets down my back.  

May your unfailing love be my comfort, according to your promise to your servant. ~ Psalm 119:76

Pastor Saul, Larry, and Pastor Ivan 
Celebrating birthdays with Jessie, and Karla

       P People Updates – Please pray:

Baby visit time with Kenia
Kenia and Alberto

Five years ago, Kenia and Alberto welcomed baby Keydi and they became a family. Kenia was 15 and was not at all prepared to be a Mom. We provided for milk for Keydi, and she still calls us Grandma and Grandpa. A few weeks ago, Keydi’s sister Keysi was born. What a difference! Alberto has work. They have a small room off the side of Alberto’s sister’s house. And they are confident. Keydi wants to learn to read because she wants to read Bible stories to Keysi. In the picture you see Kenia with Keydi and Keysi. The white cloud around the bed (shared by this family of 4) is a mosquito net. The house is well ventilated. Please pray that Kenia and Alberto return to church.

Chris and Laura

Lunch out with Chris and Laura
Chris and Laura came to see family on Roatan during their  2 week vacation. We had several opportunities to visit. They continue to serve at the Rehab Center on the Mainland, where Chris is involved in various projects including raising chickens and preparing a field to plant watermelons!  He also assists with outreach and even teaches clients. Laura cooks lunch and dinner for the center. Pray they continue to make good choices! 

Deizy continues to struggle as a result of the treatments she had during the past year for cancer. She is unable to attend church and her only outings are to go pick up medicine and visit the doctor. She was recently assessed in the hospital in Tegucigalpa and is scheduled for surgery – in a year.  Please pray for healing and peace while she waits.


Jimena and Sandra
Jimena is healed!  Her mom says it is a miracle from God. At this time we are praying for Jimena’s dad, David, who is not a Christian.  I encouraged him to reflect on the miracle of his daughter’s healing, but there is a separation between him and God and he is unwilling to explore this. Pray for Spanish speaking Believers to come into his life.

I am adding an extra page to our newsletter this time to reintroduce you to a special girl. We are very impressed with Greicy’s determination to improve her life. If you feel convicted to provide financial assistance for her, don’t hesitate to let us know. No matter what, please pray for her to turn to God her sustainer, when she is lonely or without resources.

We want to thank those who have held things together for us while we were away. And we thank God for his protection and constant provision.  We are blessed! 

 ~ Larry and Susan

About Greicy

I wanted to use this extra page in the newsletter because I’m thinking there is someone reading this who will want to keep this page to refer to again.  I’m thinking there is someone who would be able to give up a comfort to make things a bit more comfortable for Greicy.
We met Greicy and her family the first time we went to Roatan.  She was part of the small group that met at our kitchen table to learn English beginning in September, 2009. She is one of the reasons we got involved in the education needs of kids and was one of the first students enrolled in bilingual school.
The family experienced a major crisis. Greicy handled the turmoil by running to the mainland with a young guy. She returned to her mom’s a few months later and at age 15 Greicy had her first baby. Emi is now 4, and her little brother Dylan is 2. At this point, Greicy’s story could reflect that of so many here, except that she is a very determined young lady. She also has an exceptionally supportive family, with whom she lives.
With her mom and younger sister providing child care, Greicy finished grade 11 in night school. Last January, she boldly took the entrance exam for nursing school and passed! Classes began last March and Greicy should graduate in June next year. Honduras requires people in health care give one year of service free – so when Greicy gets a job, she will need to work one year without pay. This means she is still two years from independence.

When I say things are not easy, I am making the understatement of the year! Greicy will

be the first to say, that her choices have made her life hard.  When I hear of her challenges, I don’t even know how to make it easier. This family frequently has no food. No food means that - No Food – empty tummies. Happily they do not need to pay rent, but there is always looming the power and water bill. 

Greicy also needs to pay for transportation, to pay monthly for a data plan for her phone so she can do her homework, and provide for her two kids.  When I talk to her, Greicy isn’t asking for help. She has accepted what is and has dreams tempered with reality.

However, I am asking for a few people to come alongside to help Greicy with her bills. If you would like more information, or can offer help, please let us know.  Thanks.

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