Las Colonias

Las Colonias

Saturday 24 November 2018

🌴 A Really Great Week One

Steven entertains Jimena with his puppet play

I had this idea and I'll see how it works.
We arrived in Roatan this past Monday, so really, we haven't been here a week. Usually we arrive on Saturdays, so in our minds we think we have been here for a week now. Sooooo, if we call today the end of the A Really Great Week One, then tomorrow is the beginning of a new week. And since we will leave on a Monday, instead of only being here three weeks, we will (in our minds, at least!) be here for four weeks. We'll give it a try. 

I just want to give you a peak at some of the opportunities and fun we have had this week as we have settled in. It is rainy season, and most days it has rained in the early morning, and then cleared, with some short bursts of water dumping out of the sky at various times in the day. So far we haven't had to hoist an umbrella while we are out and about. 

Roof repairs provide constant employment
during rainy season.

While walking to Bible Study down the beach, I met Luis.
He said to me "You go back up to road. Can't go this way. 

Too much rain."  Since I seemed determined to continue, 
he came to help me cross the make-shift log bridge
 that spanned the gap to the foot bridge.  
Luis is always there to help.

Sandbags and quickly dug ditches help manage the excess water
 during heavy rains. We missed the 12-inches-in-2 dayssoaker last week.

We are anxious to get out to see people and have made several visits. Larry accompanied me up to visit Arezzi and Victor - a very pleasant visit but definitely up-up. Arezzi was in town for the afternoon but Victor was eager to show us some of the leaks in his house. While the adults visited, the kids played. Owen took advantage of the distraction, to check out a can of black spray paint.

SUCCESS!  Apparently, 
"wait until your mother
gets home" is a strong
With a bristly scrub brush, and many
dunkings in the rainbarrel.......

Victor and Arezzi have some major leaks
in their house. Apparently it is particularly bad
when the wind is from the east. Or from the west.

School has ended. Some classes ended a week ago, some Monday, or Tuesday - definitely everyone was done by Friday. And now the kids are free all day.  While out and about I saw kids - lots of kids. ?

Looking for treasures in the ditch.
(Larry will tell you that he spent lots of time
exploring the ditch and the creek - it's universal!)
And - do you see the little guy climbing the tree?Treasures up too!

Futbol/soccer - the passion of so many kids.

Enrique plays games on the phone with Emi. (sweet!)

An intense game of marbles.

And some kids just can't get enough
school. They're back for English
 computer, and the occasional game of UNO.
The Ladies of the church gathered Tuesday
for their regular Bible study. Several stayed
for the day to complete craft projects.

Crafts and food were sold Saturday morning
at the first Christmas Boutique.

With his ladder tucked away, Larry found a little project
to occupy him while I attended the church craft show.
I can't wait until we locate a new climbing plant. Rainy season
is perfect for planting new plants.  Right, Larry?

Larry also rustled up some food at the Mennonite Church BBQ.
Without a doubt, the best place to finish the day is
up on "the perch".

The view is great, and so is the company.

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